Privacy Policy

NuriBio Co., Ltd. ('' hereinafter referred to as 'NuriBio Co., Ltd.') protects the personal information of information subjects in accordance with Article 30 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」 and promptly and smoothly handles complaints related thereto. To do so, we establish and disclose the privacy policy as follows. This privacy policy is effective from 7month 1day of 2024year.

Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)
NuriBio Co., Ltd. ('' hereinafter referred to as 'NuriBio Co., Ltd.') processes personal information for the following purposes. Personal information being processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」
  • Website membership registration and management
    Personal information is processed for the purposes of confirming intent to become a member, identifying, and authenticating oneself in accordance with the provision of membership services, maintaining and managing membership, preventing misuse of services, and providing various notifications and notifications, and handling grievances.
  • Complaint processing
    Personal information is processed for the purposes of verifying the identity of the complainant, receiving complaints, and checking consultation history, contacting and notifying for factual investigation, and notifying results.
  • Provision of goods or services
    Personal information is processed for the purposes of product delivery, service provision, contract/invoice sending, content provision, customized service provision, bill payment/settlement, and debt collection.
  • Use in marketing and advertising
    Personal information is processed for the purposes of developing new services (products), providing customized services, providing event and advertising information, and providing participation opportunities
  • Other
    Personal information is processed through information generated and collected during the service use process to determine access frequency and for statistical purposes regarding members' use of the service.

Article 2 (Processing and retention period of personal information)
  • Nuribio Co., Ltd. processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention and use period in accordance with laws and regulations or within the personal information retention and use period agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject.
  • The processing and retention period for each personal information is as follows
    • Website membership registration and management
      Personal information related to ‘homepage membership registration and management’ is retained and used for the above purposes from the date of consent for collection and use until <<withdrawal of membership or expulsion from membership>.
    • Complaint processing
      Personal information related to ‘complaint processing’ is retained and used for the above purposes for up to 3 years from the date of consent to collection and use. (Related laws: Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years)
    • Provision of goods or services
      Personal information related to ‘provision of goods or services’ is retained and used for the above purposes for up to 5 years from the date of consent to collection and use. (Related laws: Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years)
    • In cases where the consent of the information provider is obtained for other reasons
      Personal information is processed and retained within the consented personal information retention and use period.

Article 3 (Provision of personal information to third parties)
The company processes personal information of data owners only within the scope specified in Article 1, and provides personal information to third parties only in cases that fall under Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, including the exceptions below.
  • When there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the law or in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in the law for the purpose of investigation.
  • When necessary to settle fees for providing paid services
  • When information is processed and provided in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, or market research.
  • When users consent in advance
    Recipient Provided Information Purpose of Use
    Local distributors of NuriBio Co., Ltd. Organization, name, contact information, email - Settlement of fees for providing paid services
    Affiliates of NuriBio Co., Ltd. Email - Deliver advertising information such as events

Article 4 (Rights and obligations of data owners, legal representatives and methods of exercising them)
  • The data owner may exercise the rights to view, correct, delete, or suspend processing of personal information at any time against NuriBio Co., Ltd.
  • The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made to NuriBio Co., Ltd. through writing, email, facsimile (fax), etc. in accordance with Article 41 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, NuriBio Co., Ltd. will act on this without delay.
  • The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 may be done through an agent, such as the data owner’s legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, “Notice on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7)” Annex No. 11 You must submit a power of attorney according to the format.
  • Requests to view and suspend personal information processing may limit the data owner's rights pursuant to Article 35, Paragraph 4 and Article 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection
  • Requests for correction or deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection in other laws and regulations.
  • NuriBio Co., Ltd. confirms whether the person making the request, such as a request for viewing, request for correction or deletion, or request for suspension of processing, is the person or a legitimate agent in accordance with the data owners’ rights.

Article 5 (Categories of processed personal information)
NuriBio Co., Ltd. processes the following categories of personal information.
  • Website membership registration and management: email, mobile phone number, name, position, department, company name, service use record, access log, cookies, access IP information
  • Complaint processing: email, mobile phone number, name, position, department, company name
  • Provision of goods or services: email, mobile phone number, name, position, department, company name

Article 6 (Termination of personal information)
  • NuriBio Co., Ltd. destroys personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as when the retention period has passed, or the purpose of processing has been achieved.
  • If personal information must continue to be preserved pursuant to other laws and regulations even though the personal information retention period consented to by the data owner has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different secure location. Personal information items to be preserved: Transaction details
  • Procedures and methods for termination of personal information are as follows.
    • Termination procedures
      NuriBio Co., Ltd. selects the personal information for which there is a reason for termination and deletes the personal information with the approval of NuriBio Co., Ltd.'s personal information protection manager.
    • Termination methods
      Information in the form of electronic files uses technical methods that cannot reproduce the records, and personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Article 7 (Measures to ensure the safety of personal information)
NuriBio Co., Ltd. is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.
  • Minimization and training of employees handling personal information
    We are implementing measures to manage personal information by designating employees who handle personal information and limiting it to the person in charge.
  • Restrictions on access to personal information
    Necessary measures are taken to control access to personal information by granting, changing, and deleting access rights to the database system that processes personal information, and unauthorized access from outside is controlled using an intrusion prevention system.
  • Use of locking device for document security
    Documents and auxiliary storage media containing personal information are stored in a safe place with a lock.

Article 8 (Matters regarding installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices)
NuriBio Co., Ltd. uses ‘cookies’ to store usage information and retrieve it from time to time to provide individualized services to users. Cookies are a small amount of information that the server (http) used to run the website sends to the user's computer browser and are sometimes stored on the hard disk of the user's PC computer.
  • Purpose of using cookies
    Cookies are used to provide optimized information to users by identifying visitation and usage patterns, popular search terms, secure access, etc. for each service and website visited by the user.
  • Installation, operation, and rejection of cookies
    You can refuse to store cookies through option settings in the Tools>Internet Options>Privacy menu at the top of your web browser. all. If you refuse to store cookies, you may have difficulty using customized services.

Article 9 (Personal Information Processing Department)
  • NuriBio Co., Ltd. is responsible for overall management of personal information processing and has designated the department in charge as follows to handle complaints and provide relief for damage from data owners related to personal information processing.
    o Department in charge: Management Support Team
    o Contact: 031-389-9978 /
  • Data owners may contact the responsible department for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. that arise while using the services (or business) of NuriBio Co., Ltd. Nuri Bio Co., Ltd. will respond and process inquiries from data owners without delay.

Article 10 (Relief for rights infringement)
To receive relief from personal information infringement, the data owner may apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Korea Internet & Security Agency's Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center, etc. For other personal information infringement reports and consultations, please contact the organizations below.
  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (
  • Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center: (without area code) 118 (
  • Supreme Prosecutors' Office: (without area code) 1301 (
  • National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (
The head of a public institution may respond to requests pursuant to the provisions of Article 35 (view of personal information), Article 36 (correction/deletion of personal information), and Article 37 (suspension of processing of personal information, etc.) of the Personal Information Protection Act. A person whose rights or interests have been infringed due to a disposition or omission may request an administrative trial in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Appeals Act.
※ For more information about administrative trials, please refer to the website of the Central Administrative Appeals Commission (

Article 11 (Changes to privacy policy)
This privacy policy is effective from 7month 1day of 2024year.