Terms of Use

1. General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these terms and conditions is to specify the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the company and the members, as well as other necessary matters, in relation to the [Terms of Service] provided by NuriBio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company" or "NuriBio") and all related services.

Article 2 (Effectiveness and change of terms and conditions)
  • These terms and conditions take effect by being posted within the website and may be amended within the scope that does not violate relevant laws and regulations on reasonable grounds. The amended terms and conditions take effect by being posted online, and any significant changes to the user's rights or obligations will be notified in advance.
  • Agreeing to these terms and conditions indicates agreeing to regularly check for changes to the terms and conditions. The company is not responsible for any damage to the user that arises from not being aware of the amended terms and conditions.
  • If the company amends the terms and conditions, the effective date and the reason for the amendment will be specified and users will be notified by posting the current and amended terms and conditions from 30 days before the effective date until the day before the effective date. However, if the amendment is critical to the members, the company will also clearly notify them through electronic means such as email or bulletin board within the service for a certain period.
  • Members who do not agree with the amended terms and conditions may request to withdraw (terminate) their membership. If the member does not express their refusal and continues to use the service 30 days after the effective date of the amended terms and conditions, they are deemed to have agreed to the changes in the terms and conditions.

Article 3 (Change in provided service)
The company may change or discontinue the service due to unavoidable circumstances or conditions.

Article 4 (Other terms and conditions)
Matters not specified in these terms and conditions and the interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations or customary practices.

Article 5 (Definition of terms)
  • The definitions of the terms used in this Terms of Service are as follows:
    • User: A person who uses the service, whether they are a member or not.
    • Member: A customer who accesses the company's website service, agrees to these terms and conditions, and has been issued an Account (unique combination) and password.
    • Account (unique combination): A combination of English letters and numbers selected by the member and approved by the company for member identification and member service use. Only one Account can be issued and used per email address. This refers to email information used to identify members and use services.
    • Password: A combination of letters or numbers set by the member to confirm that they are the member corresponding to the assigned ID and to protect their privacy.
    • Post: Information in the form of codes, text, voice, sound, images, videos, etc., posted by the member while using the service, including writings, photos, videos, various files, and links.
    • Administrator: A person selected by the company for overall management and smooth operation of the service.
    • Service Suspension: The temporary cessation of service provision for a certain period as determined by the company based on specific criteria during normal use.
  • Definitions of terms used in this Terms of Service, other than those specified in paragraph 1, shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations and the guidelines for each service.

2. Service Use Agreement

Article 6 (Establishment of Use Agreement)
  • A service agreement is established when an individual (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant") who wishes to become a member agrees to the contents of the terms and conditions, applies for membership, and the company accepts such application.
  • The company generally approves the applicant's request for service use. However, the company may refuse to approve the application as specified in Article 8 below or may terminate the service agreement after approval.
  • Even if the applicant has previously lost membership status under these terms and conditions, an exception is made if they obtain the company's approval for rejoining as a member.

Article 7 (Application for service use)
Customers who wish to use this service by registering as members must provide all the information requested by the company (such as name, email, contact number, etc.).

Article 8 (Approval and Restrictions on Application for Use)
  • The company accepts applications for service use from customers pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 if there are no disruptions in business performance or technology.
  • If a member falls under any of the following, the company may temporarily suspend the member's qualifications after providing an opportunity to refute.
    • If the information in the membership application is filled out falsely
    • In case of violation of the provisions of this Terms of Service
    • If sign up for membership is for commercial purposes targeting other members.
  • After the company temporarily suspends a member's qualifications in accordance with Paragraph 1, if the same act is repeated more than twice or the reason is not corrected within 30 days, the company may revoke the member's qualifications.
  • If the application for service falls under any of the following items, the company may withhold approval of the application until the reasons for restriction of approval are resolved.
    • When the company does not have enough equipment
    • If there are technical difficulties for the company.
    • If it is difficult for the company to approve the use due to other reasons attributable to the company.
  • The company may differentiate the usage of the service for members by grade, specifying usage time, frequency, service menus, etc., to allow for differentiated usage.

Article 9 (Change of contract details)
  • Members can access and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management screen. However, certain information necessary for service management, such as real name, resident registration number, and Account, cannot be modified.
  • If there are changes to the information provided during the application for service, the member must modify it according to the separate method and format specified by the company.
  • The company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from failure to modify the changes by the member.

3. Service Use

Article 10 (Commencement of use of service)
  • The company initiates the service upon approval of the member's application for service use. However, for certain services, the service starts from a designated date.
  • In case the service cannot be initiated due to business or technical difficulties of the company, the company will announce it on the website or notify the members.

Article 11 (Provision of services, etc.)
  • The company provides the following services to its members:
    • Providing information on products and related services offered by NuriBio and concluding purchase contracts.
    • Delivery of products for which purchase contracts have been concluded.
    • After-sales service application
    • Seminar registration service.
    • Provision of advertising information such as events.
    • Any services provided to members by the company through additional development or partnership agreements with other companies.
  • The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as a general rule. However, the service may be temporarily suspended due to the company's operational or technical reasons, and it may also be temporarily suspended during periods designated by the company for operational purposes. In such cases, the company will notify users in advance or afterwards.

Article 12 (Change and suspension of service)
  • The company may notify members of the changed content and provision dates of the service in the manner specified in Article 21, Paragraph 2, and may change and provide the service accordingly. Additionally, if a member's Account is duplicated and makes it difficult to provide the service, the company may request the member to change their Account to one that is not duplicated for a reasonable period. Furthermore, the company may change all Accounts in bulk without fundamentally changing essential parts of the Accounts due to site integration or significant policy changes, in which case the company may notify the affected members of such changes.
  • The company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service in the following cases:
    • Inevitable circumstances such as maintenance of service equipment or construction.
    • When a member interferes with the company's business activities.
    • When there are obstacles to normal service use due to power outages, equipment failures, or excessive usage.
    • Other unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters or national emergencies.
  • In the event of a service interruption under Paragraph 2, the company shall notify users in the manner specified in Article 21, Paragraph 2. However, if the service is interrupted due to reasons beyond the company's control (such as intentional or non-negligent disk failure or system downtime), advance notice may not be possible.
  • The company shall not be liable for any problems arising from changes or interruptions to the service.

Article 13 (Data Provision)
  • The company may provide various information deemed necessary during member's service usage through methods such as notices or emails. However, except for transaction-related information and responses to customer inquiries as required by relevant laws, members may refuse to receive emails at any time.
  • For the purpose of service improvement and introducing services to members, the company may request additional personal information with the member's consent.
  • When attempting to transmit the information mentioned in clause 1 via telephone or facsimile, prior consent of the member is obtained. However, this excludes responses to transaction-related information and customer inquiries.
  • The company may post advertisements on service screens, websites, emails, etc., related to the operation of the service. Members who receive emails containing advertisements may refuse to receive them from the company.
  • Users (including members and non-members) do not take actions such as changing, modifying, or restricting postings or other information related to the services provided by the company.

Article 14 (Deletion of posts or content)
  • The company may, without prior notice, delete any content posted or transmitted by members within the service if it is deemed to fall under any of the following cases, and the company shall not be responsible for such actions:
    • If the content defames, insults, or damages the honor of the company, other members, or third parties.
    • If the content disseminates information, sentences, images, etc., that violate public order or morals.
    • If the content is deemed to be associated with criminal activities.
    • If the content infringes on the copyrights of the company, third parties, or any other rights.
    • If the content exceeds the posting period specified by the company through the detailed guidelines as per Clause 2.
    • If the content is unrelated to the services provided by the company.
    • If unnecessary or unauthorized advertisements or promotional materials are posted.
    • If the content is created by unauthorized use of another person's ID (unique number), name, or unauthorized alteration of information entered by another person.
    • If the same content is repeatedly posted, deviating from the purpose of posting.
    • If the content is judged to violate other relevant laws and regulations or the company's guidelines.
  • The company may establish and enforce separate detailed guidelines regarding the use of posts, and members must register or delete various posts (including messages exchanged between members) in accordance with these guidelines.

Article 15 (Copyright of posts)
  • The copyright of the posts (including messages exchanged between members) posted by members within the service belongs to the members, and the company has the right to post them within the service.
  • The company cannot use the posts for other purposes without the consent of the posting member. However, the company may change the posting location of the post without altering its original content due to reasons such as mergers, business transfers, or integration between sites operated by the company.
  • Even if the posts made by members within the service infringe upon the copyrights of others or program copyrights, the company does not bear civil or criminal liability for such infringements. If the company receives objections or claims for damages from third parties due to a member's infringement of others' copyrights or program copyrights, the member must make efforts to exempt the company from liability. If the company is not exempted from liability, the member must bear all damages incurred by the company.
  • If a member terminates their account or is terminated for legitimate reasons, the company may delete the posts made by that member.
  • The copyrights and intellectual property rights of the works created by the company belong to the company.
  • Users may not use the information obtained through "NuriBio" for commercial purposes, such as processing or selling the data contained in the service or allowing third parties to use it. Copyright infringements of posts are subject to applicable laws.

4. Responsibilities

Article 16 (Obligations of the company)
  • The company is obligated to make every effort to provide continuous and stable services in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
  • The company implements the highest level of security measures for the protection of personal information, including members' credit information, discloses its privacy policy, and complies with it.
  • The company allocates necessary personnel and systems to adequately handle complaints or requests for remedy from users related to service usage.
  • If opinions or complaints raised by members regarding service usage are deemed valid, the company must address them. The company communicates the process and results of handling the opinions or complaints raised by members through bulletin boards or via email.

Article 17 (Obligations of members)
  • When using the service, members must refrain from the following actions:
    • Providing false information during application or modification or using another member's ID and password fraudulently or without authorization.
    • Replicating or distributing information obtained from the company's service without prior consent for commercial purposes.
    • Altering information posted by the company.
    • Infringing upon the company's copyright, third-party copyrights, or any other rights.
    • Damaging the reputation of the company or other third parties or disrupting business operations.
    • Posting obscene materials on bulletin boards or linking to adult content websites.
    • Distributing information, sentences, graphics, or audio that violate public order and morals to others.
    • Transmitting or posting information (such as computer programs) not designated by the company.
    • Engaging in any other illegal or unfair actions.
  • Members must comply with relevant laws, the provisions of these terms and conditions, cautionary notices provided in usage guidelines, and notifications from the company. They must not engage in any actions that disrupt the company's operations.
  • If a member engages in actions corresponding to those described in paragraph 1, the company may restrict, suspend, or terminate the member's qualifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of these terms and conditions.
  • Members are responsible for compensating any damages incurred by the company or other users due to their own fault.

Article 18 (Obligations and responsibilities for member Account(unique combination) and password management)
  • The member is solely responsible for any consequences arising from the careless management or unauthorized use of their member Account(unique combination) and password, while the company takes responsibility for issues caused by the company's system failures or other responsible factors.
  • Members must not allow third parties to use their own Account(unique combination) and password. If a member becomes aware that their Account(unique combination) and password have been stolen or used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions if provided.
  • In cases covered by paragraph 2, if the member fails to notify the company of the situation or does not follow the company's instructions despite notification, the company shall not be held responsible for any resulting disadvantages.
  • The company may restrict the use of a member's Account(unique combination) if there is a risk of personal information leakage, violation of social norms, or suspicion of misrepresentation as the company or its administrators.
  • Members are not allowed to change their Account(unique combination) without the prior consent of the company.

Article 19 (Notification to members)
  • When notifying members, the company may use the email address issued by the company or the email address registered by the member.
  • For notices to an unspecified number of members, the company may post them on the service bulletin board or similar platforms instead of individual notifications.

Article 20 (Protection of users’ personal information)
The company undertakes to protect the personal information of members, including member registration information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Regarding the protection of member's personal information, the company follows the provisions set forth in the relevant laws and the "Privacy Policy" established by the company. However, the company's privacy policy does not apply to linked sites outside the company's official website.

5. Contract Termination & Restrictions on Use

Article 21 (Contract termination and use restrictions)
  • If a member wishes to terminate the service usage agreement, they must apply for termination to the company through the designated method specified on the website or by the separate method determined by the company.
  • Upon termination of the service usage agreement by the member, all of the member's data will be deleted immediately, except in cases where the company retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and the privacy policy.
  • If a member fails to fulfill the obligations specified in Article 17, the company may terminate the service usage agreement or suspend the service without prior notice.
  • Even after a member has entered into the service usage agreement and received an Account (unique combination) and password, the company may restrict the member's access to the service based on their qualifications.
  • A member may submit an objection to the actions taken by the company under paragraphs 3 and 4 through the procedure specified by the company.
  • If the objection raised under paragraph 5 is deemed valid by the company, the company will immediately resume the service usage.
  • The company may restrict the usage if a member has not logged in for more than 24 months in order to protect member information and improve operational efficiency.

6. Compensation for damages & Other

Article 22 (Compensation for Damages)
The company shall not be liable for any damages related to the use of services provided free of charge in the service that do not fall under the provisions set forth in the privacy policy regarding the use of services.

Article 23 (Disclaimer)
  • In cases where the company is unable to provide the service due to irresistible force, war, or other similar circumstances beyond its control, the company shall be exempt from liability for providing the service.
  • The company shall be exempt from liability if damages occur due to the suspension of telecommunications services by a telecommunications service provider or failure to provide services properly.
  • The company shall be exempt from liability for damages caused by unavoidable circumstances such as maintenance, replacement, regular inspection, construction, etc., of the service equipment.
  • The company shall not be liable for service interruptions or damages caused by the member's fault.
  • The company shall not be liable for damages caused by errors in the user's computer or incomplete provision of personal information and email addresses by the member.
  • The company shall not be liable for any failure to obtain or loss of expected profits from using the service.
  • The company shall not be liable for damages caused by materials obtained during service use or for compensation for psychological harm caused by other members.
  • The company shall not be liable for the reliability, accuracy, or content of various information, data, or facts posted by members on the service.
  • The company shall have no obligation to intervene in disputes arising between users or between users and third parties through the service and shall not be liable for any resulting damages.
  • The company shall not be liable for any damages related to the use of services provided to members free of charge.

Article 24 (Jurisdiction)
  • In the event of a dispute between the company and the member regarding the use of the service, both parties shall sincerely discuss to resolve the dispute.
  • If the dispute is not resolved through the discussions mentioned in clause 1, either party may file a lawsuit in accordance with the jurisdiction of the court specified in the Civil Procedure Act. Lawsuits regarding disputes between the company and the member shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the member's address at the time of filing, or if the address is unclear, the court having jurisdiction over the member's residence. However, if the member's address or residence is unclear at the time of filing, the court having jurisdiction shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

Supplementary provisions (Year, Month, Day)
(Enforcement date) These terms and conditions are effective from 7month 1day of 2024 year.